Old Promo Pics

One of my longtime readers suggested a new or different promo pic to replace the one in the POW ball cap. He thought it made me look a little serial killer-ish. (grin) That one now appears only on my bio page, mostly because I refer to the cap toward the end of that page.

You will have already seen the one I picked for the Welcome page. Soon I’ll have a new promo shot taken to replace that one.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see some of the promo shots I’ve used over the years. You’ll see why I didn’t use some of these. (grin)


Me speaking at a conference somwhere, c. 1990s


Outside my home near Mustang Corners, Arizona probably a decade ago


Me signing books alongside author Larry Sweazy sometime in the ’90s. And nope, no leather patches on the elbows of my jacket


Dressed up for some reason, c. late 1990s


Me wondering why there are branches coming out of my head and shoulders


Me bein’ all swave an’ deboner while pretending to read one of my poetry collections. c. early 1990s


At the Green Valley AZ book fair a few years ago


Me reading in Gila Box Wilderness, southwest NM (This is how I look when I’m typing out there too)


Me in Charleston ghost town, the town I renamed “Adobe Walls” in the short story that was the origin of the entire Wes Crowley legend.


On my way to Adobe Walls (Charleston) next to a massive cottonwood tree along the San Pedro river.